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First Steps When a Car Accident Isn’t Your Fault

Duran Law Offices > Blog > Personal Injury > First Steps When a Car Accident Isn’t Your Fault

When faced with the aftermath of a car accident that is not your fault, it can be challenging to navigate the stress and confusion. Consider creating a checklist to keep in your glove compartment, highlighting the essential initial steps to take. Focus on ensuring safety first – move yourself and your vehicle to a safe location, contact emergency services if there are injuries, and inform the police about the accident. The primary goal is to prevent further harm and minimize damage to you and your passengers. Gathering crucial information is key in establishing the facts of the accident. Capture details such as the names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s licenses, and license plate numbers of those involved. Additionally, collect contact information for passengers and witnesses, and document the scene with photographs. Obtain details of responding police and, if applicable, request a copy of the accident report. Acting promptly at the scene is vital, as obtaining this information later may prove challenging or impossible.

What Not To Do After a Car Crash

  1. Leaving the Scene Without Proper Protocol:
    Regardless of fault, driving away from an auto accident can have severe consequences. If you were at fault, it may constitute a criminal act, leading to potential license issues and complications with your insurance. Even if you weren’t at fault, it’s crucial not to underestimate the impact of the accident immediately. Assessing damage and injuries on the spot might be challenging, and you’ll need the other driver’s information for insurance purposes.
  2. Not Contacting Emergency Services:
    In the aftermath of a collision, always call 911. Immediate medical attention is crucial if there are injuries, but even in the absence of visible harm, involving the police is essential. They serve as objective witnesses, providing valuable insights for potential personal injury claims. Always file a crash report to document the crash. Not having a crash report can have catastrophic consequences for your case.
  3. Failing to Exchange Information:
    To kickstart the insurance claim process, it’s vital to exchange information with the other party involved. Collect names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s licenses, and license plate details. Don’t overlook passengers and witnesses, and document the scene thoroughly through photographs.
  4. Overlooking Post-Accident Checks:
    Resist the urge to rush home after an accident. Take a moment to check for injuries and assess your vehicle’s drivability. Ignoring potential medical or mechanical issues can complicate matters later. Above all, make sure to get witness names and phone numbers. Always, take pictures of the property damage to all cars involved, and of the scene.
  5. Inadequate Documentation:
    A successful personal injury claim hinges on accurate documentation. Capture the details of the accident by photographing vehicle damage, the surrounding area, and any contributing factors like road conditions. Secure a copy of the police report and keep records of bills and medical documentation.
  6. Delaying Insurance Reporting:
    Promptly report the accident to your insurance company, as rules vary, but early reporting is generally beneficial. Keeping your insurer in the loop facilitates a smoother claims process, preventing unnecessary delays.
  7. Letting Emotions Take Over:
    While emotions may run high, avoid becoming confrontational or placing blame. Stay calm and communicate rationally with the other driver, as heated exchanges can lead to regrettable statements.
  8. Communicating with the Other Party’s Insurance Without Legal Guidance:
    Engaging with the other party’s insurance without legal representation can jeopardize your claim. Insurance companies aim to minimize payouts, and a lawyer can help navigate these communications while safeguarding your interests.
  9. Underestimating Injuries:
    Even if you feel fine initially, don’t underestimate the extent of your injuries. Be honest with yourself and seek medical attention if symptoms arise, particularly for conditions like concussions that may not be immediately apparent.
  10. Neglecting to Consult a Car Accident Lawyer:
    Failing to hire a car accident lawyer diminishes your chances of a successful claim. A skilled attorney can guide you through insurance processes or personal injury lawsuits, allowing you to focus on recovery.
  11. Attempting to File a Lawsuit Without Legal Assistance:
    Filing a lawsuit without legal counsel is complex and risky. Laws regarding car accidents vary, and legal intricacies could lead to dismissals based on technicalities. A lawyer ensures proper filing, protecting your claim.
  12. Revealing Details on Social Media:
    Exercise caution on social media, as posts can be used against you. Even seemingly innocuous information may be scrutinized, potentially impacting your case. Consult with your lawyer before sharing any accident-related details online.
  13. Entering Unfair Settlement Agreements:
    Never sign agreements from the opposing party without legal review. Settlements should be thoroughly understood, especially early on when the full extent of damage and injuries may not be clear.
  14. Accepting Fault Prematurely:
    Avoid admitting fault at the accident scene, verbally or otherwise. Discussions with anyone, including insurance providers, should not include admissions of fault. Preserve your position and consult with a lawyer before making any statements.

WHAT YOU MUST DO: Seek Legal Assistance from Duran Law Offices:
If you’ve experienced a car accident, reach out to Duran Law Offices for a free case consultation. Our experienced attorneys offer a No-Win, No-Fee Guarantee, ensuring you only pay if a settlement is reached. Focus on recovery while we handle your legal representation.